Saturday, January 1, 2011

your internal abyss awaits you.

a·byss  [uh-bis]  

1 .a deep, immeasurable space, gulf, or cavity; vast chasm.
2 .anything profound, unfathomable, or infinite: the abyss of time.
3. (in ancient cosmogony)
a.the primal chaos before Creation.
b.the infernal regions; hell.
c.a subterranean ocean.
let your body feel. what does it really feel like to really let go of something or really give all of yourself into something? or someone? Within their arms, safety, that feeling is so precious. Reality only allows that feeling to exist for so long, as nice as it is, there is more.There is a point in our lives when things stop, when everything around us is still moving but we feel like we aren't going with them. There is a time when we feel like we have really done something with our lives, relief, then the next step seems to be unsure. Uncertainty is just another reason to give your  mind excuses to stress you out, twist your thoughts. Time is infinite and can serve many purposes; good and bad. I'm at a point where I feel time is  not my friend and I want to push myself more than I ever have before. I'm afraid of the time in between. I can't trust time. 

Find your abyss. Live. Breathe. i'm going to keep telling myself that.

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