Friday, January 13, 2012


I am engaged:)

The Very Good Salad.


This salad was a recipe my Grams received from a good friend titled The Very Good Salad.  The name holds true. It is funny how every time I am home visiting and we want to make the salad the recipe disappears but we have made it so many times the ingredients are pretty much engraved in our minds. Here is the recipe for anyone who like to indulge in some very, very good salad. Also, very cheap and easy to make!

1 Can of Shoe Peg Corn or Whole Kernel (drained)
1 can of French-Style Green Beans (drained)
1 can of Petite Peas or Sweet Peas (drained)
1 cup of Red Pepper
1 cup chopped celery

1/4 cup Wessen Oil
3/4 cup of Red Wine Vinegar
1 cup of Sugar
1/2 Teaspoon of Salt
1 Teaspoon of Water

Pour over veggies, make few hours or day before. Keep good (refrigerated)


Handmade Notecards

I had these Planet Earth flashcards I had picked up somewhere and decided to use them as my own personalized Christmas tags. The set I had were specifically birds so I picked which bird seemed appropriate and covered the opposite side with printing paper, where I put my message. When finished it looks so adorable attached to a gift bag/box with some unique ribbon!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Spend your time wisely.

 "For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness"- Julian Germain
I found this on the cover of a rare book on the third floor of the popular Strand bookstore (12th and Broadway). I only had passed by the stand that sets up shop along Central Parka few times before and was more than happy to make time to visit the actual store. Speaking of time, I constantly wish I had more. If I had more free time I know for a fact it would be spent reading, browsing stores like Strand that offer old and new selections of material, and doing some writing of my own. Strand's miles of books, desired and unique selection, knowledgeable staff, and ability to keep the brick and mortar bookstore alive interested me.Competing with e-books and iPads, Strand seems to be holding their own and their word or mouth and licensed products (most popular being the various tote bag options) have created great advertising for the book business.

Back to this new theory of time, directly relating to our mental state of content. Julian Germain is entirely correct, why spend our time being miserable when we can choose to be optimistic? Sounds cliche, being happy that is, but I know being happy increases productivity, self sufficency, and our personal well being. Happiness comes in many forms and many people don't feel like they have experienced it but I feel if we take the time we can realize its presence in our lives.

I am someone who can't stand to waste time and constantly wish I had time. If I could eliminate sleep from my daily routine and still function properly I would, unfortunately my eyes shut eventually. I just need to make sure I spend the time I'm spent awake doing my best to achieve happiness because I don't want to lose even just 60 seconds.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I'm Happy.

My mom said I can't so...

I love my mom more than words can express. I'm coming home for Christmas and during one of our frequent phone conversations I told her how badly I wanted to cut my hair, her tone suddenly changed, "Becka you can't cut your hair until after Xmas".

I'm 20 years old and nothing my parents has said has held me back; that is what is called advice but ultimately the decision is mine. Because I understand my mom's attachment to my hair I'll hold onto my locks just a bit longer but many other grown kids deal with other situations bigger than haircuts.

When I moved to Cali, before NY, I was ready and had earned the funds to do so. My mom's friends asked her,why don't you tell her not to move to LA, even she knew her words weren't going to change my mind. I'm not saying I didn't have help but inside my head the decision was set in stone.if you are paying, its your decision.

I guess what I'm saying is that there are a lot of "moms" out there. The ones that welcome us home with a full kitchen and those that are dressed up as our employees, our peers, and the media.

 Turn off your ears to "you can't".

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

This is what I know love to be.

I wrote this as an assignment for my school's writing group, I'm so excited to be blogging again. I promise more posts and shorter posts. I'm excited!

I used to think true love was only present on a front porch, in a rocking chair, and enjoying the romantic and comfortable silence between two aged lovebirds, then I found out that although that exists true love is also alive in a younger demographic. The first example seems unattainable until you are older and some stranger interrupts your daily activities in some way and at some point in your life those actions makes you look twice. Then you go from there, but love shouldn’t be something we stress about. I think love just happens. The definition of true love is different for everybody and every relationship but I think the “I would jump off a cliff for you (but not really)”, holds true, meaning they feel they are a better version of themselves, striving to be all they can be and they would do anything to make sure that doesn’t change. That same concept references Jack Johnson’s “Better Together” lyrical message, and sings in the background of many lovers’ heads.

My special someone dropped everything and moved across country with me and we had the time of our lives living an adventure. In NYC most of the time that adventure is an expensive but much worthy one for us. My guy first entered my life at my very first place of employment, side by side, we made pizzas. He would stay late while I closed and chit chat with me about our interests, Catcher in the Rye and On the Road (our favorite books), and keep me company. Friends first, he taught me how to skip rocks and long board and in return I introduced him to a wardrobe other than corduroys and skate shoes.

Love may seem like it is far away and it is often put on people’s to do list in a way that creates certain limitations; for example marriage by 25, house 26, and two kids by 28. To me that seems like too much, just let it happen. I didn’t plan it, I’m only 20 years old and I’m also in no rush for what comes next. Love also isn’t easy, if it’s really true love they will stick around through the hard times. I think true love enters lives at various ages, 16-60. If it’s the right one, you probably didn’t see it coming and you probably wouldn’t be the same without it.