Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Good Morning, lack of sleep, success, and smog

6:38 AM
Los Angeles, no one sleeps, everybody wants to live the good life, and we are all suffocating by all the smog seeping into our lungs every second. I was comparing LA to NY to a customer yesterday, and I mentioned although both are flooded with diversity,I felt NY was more open to it. Maybe just because citylife in a cold, urban, area, with a real downtown packed with busy bodies of all sorts, just attracts me. LA has a certain attitude, spelled out in the smog, and I hate to use this word to decribe this sunny ciy, but fake. Unfontunatley it's in the facts, it's all about who you know, how you look, and what you are doing. For me, I will take what I wish from that. I will network beyond belief, never give in to 'beauty enhancement', and make what I'm doing just important to me in my life. For others, it may be different.
I can't see myself here forever, but I have to say LA is growing on me.
Trust easy, and enjoy the sunshine.

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